Sarah was looking for ways to have some extra cash and soon found an ad for body inflation testing. She soon finds herself participating in experiments and soon enough gets herself stuck.
Emily went out to do some shopping since her clothes were getting stretched out from her own swelling body. But, one store she goes to turns out to be more trouble then she thought
Dr. Kayla Dawson invites Sarah over to her lab to test out different magical products that she was making to give her help and ideas. She then shows Sarah a set of breasts swelling implants which were designed to enhance the person's breasts based off their emotions. But soon enough the implants have a mind of their own and make more trouble than they are worth
A young siren looks up at the world above and wants to see what everyone is like. She makes her way up to the surface and she finds herself surround by people. Her body acts like the call of the siren and people are drawn to her, making her larger and bigger