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Breeding (Fetish)
Created by BE Engineer on March 05, 2024
Last updated by Co_Cobana on June 14, 2024
Total reads: 317
The Breeding fetish is one that is defined by one or both (or more) sexual partners particularly enjoying the act of sex for the purpose of making babies.
To be clear, a breeding kink is different from a pregnancy kink, but people who are into one are often into the other. A pregnancy kink is being excited by the actual pregnancy itself, but having a fetish for breeding means that you are into the idea of either turning someone into a baby-maker or being turned into one yourself.
The reason why people find the act of breeding to be exciting actually goes back maybe as far as the first humans on the earth. The act of sex was primarily for reproduction in those times. Which is why the human brain learned the trick of making sex feel more amazing than how any other animal might experience it, in order to encourage us to reproduce more. Breeding used to not even be considered a fetish and was just accepted as something that people did. It has become a fetish in our current times because of how much the human population has boomed, so many people as a result no longer find the act of reproducing to be as attractive as it once was.
The fetish also can be associated with emphasizing the roles of a dom and a sub in sex. The dominant one usually being the breeder, and the submissive one being bred. The roles can be reversed as well, with the partner that wants to be bred aggressively demanding for the other partner to impregnate them. By extension, breeding can also have an appeal to those who might enjoy a more wild experience with their partner since the act itself is something that a large majority of animals engage in, and thus has very primal feeling to it.
The degrees of being into breeding cover a very large range. One might simply enjoy the thought of impregnating their partner, or being impregnated during sex and not taking it any further. It also goes all the way up to a person being reduced to an animal-like state where their only purpose in life is to keep producing more and more babies. Everything else in between those falls under the general umbrella of breeding and breeding also has a bit of a hand in many other kinks! So if that sounds like anything you're into, or might perhaps be interested in, you're not alone! In fact, there are probably many more like you than you think.
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